Looking Beyond - Outside Inspiration to discover your path forward

"We can’t solve problems by applying the same kind of thinking that created the problems. Doing the same thing over and over again, will unlikely lead to a different or better result. We are limited by our imagination and willingness to act (differently)."



How can you ensure the future success of your organisation? Doing more of the same will not suffice. How to break out of your thinking and acting patterns, and how to overcome your individual and collective cognitive biases and blind spots? It is not surprising that new, unconventional propositions often come from players that go outside of the traditional industry conventions, axioms or benchmarking exercises.


Surviving and thriving in business increasingly depends on your capacity to tap into intelligence outside and bring it inside, really. How are you exposing to sources of inspiration that make you collectively look at your world through different lenses, discovering alternative ways to address your biggest business challenges, and transposing this into your own context, in a way that works, for your organisation? Rather than getting taught the theory by researchers or blindly copying competitors, why not truly interact with peers who have lived through your challenges and are further down the learning curve.


How to open your mind before you make up your mind?

We guide you through outside-inspiration, by:

  • identifying the key themes for you, to (un)learn, beyond your individual, your company’s, and your industry’s conventional thinking.
  • selecting the outside-inspiration partners from our and your network, and design an experience /dialogue with peers from carefully selected (sometimes completely different) companies, backgrounds or ways of thinking.
  • distilling the key insights and learnings, with your people (avoiding yes-but’s, immediate roadblocks or implementation concerns).
  • guiding your team to transposing the learnings into your concrete situation and accelerating the generation of options and paths forward.
  • accelerating you making choices and drawing concrete conclusions that help you grow, now.


Contact us

to discuss how to create space for outside inspired growth in your organisation.