The Value Creation Accelerator


Assessing Your Organisation’s Readiness to grow

Staying relevant in the eyes of the market asks for growth: creating new, better and different value for customers. Becoming bigger could be a result of that.


All want to grow and keep growing, but only few succeed. Why do so many lose relevance in the market? Why has the average lifetime of companies decreased over the last decades and why do we expect that 75% of the currently quoted S&P 500 will have disappeared by 2027?


Their internal dynamics no longer match the dynamics around them. Outpaced or disrupted by market developments. Organisations that are slow, static or even stuck. Relying too long on the patterns of (past or current) success. An internal climate focused on protection, causing postponement of inevitable decisions or even blindness to see (the whole) reality. Silo-thinking, pointing at the ‘others’, creating inconsistency in the company often resulting in straight out unwillingness, indecisiveness or inability.


How ready is your organisation to grow? How do you create (or re-set) the space - for the coalition of key people - to develop, drive and monitor your growth plan? Translated into and aligned on the critical pivotal actions? Enacted with focus, flexibility and speed? Consistently together on your unique ever-changing path to growth?


It starts with facing reality and asking ourselves:

Do we have and do what it takes to grow? Faster, better, together?

How is the performance of our value creating and value capturing activities (looking beyond profit and loss)? What is the quality and development of our (intangible) value assets? Are our key value practices – strategising, organising, leading/learning - giving us the leverage to match or even grow stronger from the turbulence around us?


At ELP Network, inspired by our work with clients and the research of our academic partners, we developed the Value Creation Accelerator (VCA).


The VCA provides senior management, and all key people involved, with a compass to realise growth - fast, focused, consistent, co-creative. It assesses to what extent the organisation does and has what it takes to grow. Through the holistic view on the growth agenda, senior leadership and a wider circle of key people align and focus on critical few value levers for growth in your company:

  • assessing and aligning on key levers for growth
  • agreeing on critical interventions
  • building accountability and ownership for critical few actions required


Creating your own (scalable) consistency check between current reality and future growth requirements, between external market and internal growth capacity, between different leaders/teams/departments and between key dimensions for growth. If you value growth, grow value together!

Want to know more about how the VCA-approach can help you?

Contact us