Araz Najarian

Araz enables leaders, teams, and organisations in being purposeful and relevant; those that are scaling up and need support in creating focus and pacing their growth and those stalling in their growth and needing to re-frame and re-ignite their innovative spirit.


Teams she works with experience her ability to quickly learn and understand the nuances of their business without being an in-depth expert. She is uniquely masterful in translating abstract into pragmatic; helping teams go from insights and inspiration, to deciding & committing on shared vision & path forward and developing capabilities & practices to execute & realise their goals.


I’ve experienced and continue to learn how the joy of a beginner’s mind unlocks creative possibilities to see and re-frame the context we are part of. Nurturing a beginner’s mind is part of the creative energy needed to find solutions and create new opportunities for growth.

Araz lives in the Netherlands with her husband and beagle and enjoys leaving enough space in her life to go on new adventures and learn new skills.

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